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Audit standards

Three Must Have Audit Quality Assurance Standards


June 2, 2024

Three Must Have Audit Quality Assurance Standards

Ensuring top-notch audit quality is crucial for maintaining the integrity of financial reporting. The combined power of ISA 220, ISQM 1, and ISQM 2 ensures that audits are done accurately, thoroughly, and according to established criteria.  These standards work together smoothly to provide comprehensive audit quality assurance, protecting the reliability of financial statements. This synergy creates a solid framework that helps identify and prevent fraud, errors, and misrepresentations, enhancing the transparency and trustworthiness of financial information.

Good audit quality assurance boosts investor confidence, supports regulatory compliance, and promotes sound economic governance, which helps stabilize the financial system and the broader economy. In this article, we'll dive into the three main audit quality assurance pillars underpinning these standards. Stick around to see how these standards work together to ensure top-tier audit quality.

The interplay between ISA 220, ISQM1, and ISQM2

The combined efforts of ISA 220, ISQM1, and ISQM2 guarantee comprehensive audit quality. ISQM1 requires firm-wide quality management systems, ISQM2 stresses engagement quality reviews, and ISA 220 concentrates on quality at the engagement level.

The three standards provide a robust framework that unifies quality management strategies at the firm and engagement levels. Here is a concise comparison for ISA 220, ISQM1, and ISQM2:


ISA 220




Quality Management at Engagements

Quality Management

Engagement Quality Reviews


Specific audit quality management

Firm-wide quality management systems

Engagement-specific quality reviews


Detailed procedures for audit assurance

Proactive, risk-based approach

Criteria for Reviewer Qualifications


The cornerstones of audit quality

ISA 220: Quality Control for an Audit of Financial Statements

ISA 220 ensures quality control for individual audit engagements, focusing on planning, supervision, and review.

It mandates that auditors adhere to ethical standards, apply professional skepticism, and implement rigorous procedures, thereby enhancing the reliability and credibility of financial statements through structured quality management. This standard is pivotal for maintaining public trust and regulatory compliance.

ISQM 1: Quality Management for Firms that Perform Audits or Reviews of Financial Statements

Firms can design and run a comprehensive quality management system using the framework provided by ISQM 1.

This framework seeks to create a proactive audit quality management system. Firms must use governance, ethical standards, client relationship management, engagement performance, and monitoring to identify and manage risks that impact audit quality by ISQM 1.

Ensuring that firms continuously produce high-quality audits promotes public confidence in financial reporting.

ISQM 2: Engagement Quality Reviews

ISQM 2 describes the duties of the engagement quality reviewer (EQR), who is responsible for improving individual audit engagements through independent reviews.

The EQR assesses the audit team's significant decisions and findings to ensure impartiality and expertise.

ISQM 2 enhances the overall quality of audits by adding extra scrutiny to high-risk or complicated audits by establishing strict requirements for engagement quality reviews.

Understanding ISA 220

Key Requirements

  • Ethical Standards: Ensure that independence and secrecy are upheld, among other moral requirements.
  • Client Acceptance and Continuance: Evaluating client relationships and engagement risks before accepting or extending an audit.
  • Engagement Performance: To ensure quality establish standards for organizing, managing, and assessing audit activity.
  • Monitoring: Set up processes to monitor the effectiveness of quality control systems and address any issues.
  • Documentation: Keep comprehensive records demonstrating your compliance with ISA 220 criteria.

Practical Implications:

  • Improved Consistency: Standardized processes produce audit outcomes that are more dependable and consistent.
  • Risk Management: Risk management determines and controls the risks related to engagement quality and client relationships.
  • Adequate Supervision: The audit process is streamlined by having clear procedures for overseeing and evaluating audit work.
  • Continuous Improvement: Feedback systems and routine monitoring fuel enhancements to audit procedures.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Low the possibility of non-compliance fines by ensuring audits adhere to regulatory requirements.

Importance of ISA 220 in Ensuring Audit Process Quality

  • Credibility: Assures high-caliber audits, which raises the credibility and dependability of financial statements.
  • Investor Confidence: Promotes market trust by increasing investor confidence in the audited financial data.
  • Professional Standards: Enhances the overall caliber of the audit profession by encouraging adherence to professional standards.
  • Error Detection: Aids in promptly identifying and rectifying mistakes and discrepancies in audit assignments.
  • Public Trust: Maintains public confidence in financial reporting and the integrity of the financial markets.

Unpacking ISQM1

Purpose and Scope:

Purpose: The International Standard on Quality Management 1, or ISQM1, was created to provide a framework for companies that conduct financial statement audits or reviews. Establishing efficient quality management systems is its primary objective, guaranteeing high-quality engagements.

Scope: ISQM1 applies to all audit firms that perform financial statement audits or reviews regardless of size or location. It lays out specifications for the firm's quality management system, including the leader's duties, moral standards, customer acceptance and maintenance, engagement performance, and monitoring.


  • Leadership Duties: Create a culture that prioritizes quality.
  • Ethical Requirements: Uphold moral principles, including integrity and independence.
  • Client Acceptance and Continuance: Consider engagement risks while assessing client acceptance and adherence.
  • Engagement Performance: Put in place guidelines for quality.
  • Monitoring: Set up processes to assess performance.


  • Leadership Responsibilities: Overcoming opposition to change is one of a leader's responsibilities.
  • Requirements for Ethics: Handling complex moral problems.
  • Client Acceptance and Continuance: Commercial factors must be balanced with client acceptance and continuity.
  • Engagement Performance: Handling time and resource restrictions.
  • Monitoring: Creating effective systems for monitoring.

Exploring ISQM2


Applicability: Firms conducting financial statement audits or reviews are subject to the International Standard on Quality Management 2, or ISQM2.

Focus: It focuses on the engagement quality reviewer's (EQR) obligations and duties in raising the standard of each audit engagement in particular.

Distinctive Features

  • Function of EQR: ISQM2 emphasizes the vital role that EQR plays in guaranteeing the caliber of audit engagements by carrying out unbiased, in-depth assessments of essential decisions and findings reached by the audit team.
  • Competency Requirements: The standard highlights that the EQR must have the requisite abilities, know-how, and experience to efficiently carry out its review duties.
  • Objective Evaluation: Evaluation with objectivity is encouraged by ISQM2, which ensures that evaluations are made without regard to personal prejudice or influence and instead rely on critical analysis and facts.
  • Enhanced Scrutiny for High-Risk Engagements: To reduce the increased risks involved with high-risk or complicated audits, these engagements must undergo more stringent engagement quality evaluations.

Integration of audit software for compliance.

Synergy and Implementation Challenges

The cooperation of these standards fosters a unified approach to audit quality, improving dependability and consistency.

Nevertheless, ensuring synchronization between firm-wide policies (ISQM1), engagement reviews (ISQM2), and individual engagement quality (ISA 220) provides operational issues.

Businesses must help maintain compliance at all levels and keep up with the constant updating and monitoring of quality management systems.

Role of Audit software in streamlining compliance

When it comes to audit quality, ISA 220, ISQM 1, and ISQM 2 work together to create a unified strategy that boosts dependability and consistency. But let’s be real—keeping everything in sync can be a significant headache. Juggling firm-wide policies (ISQM 1), engagement reviews (ISQM 2), and the nitty-gritty details of each audit (ISA 220) can get pretty complicated. This is where Audit software comes to the rescue.

Auditproo is the most preferred audit software for small and medium size audit firms in Africa. Auditproo is an audit compliance superhero, ensuring you hit all the marks without sweat. Here’s how it can help you:

  • Real-Time Monitoring: Auditproo monitors compliance across all your audits in real-time. No more scrambling to ensure everyone’s following the latest standards—it’s all tracked and updated automatically.
  • Centralized Documentation: Need to find a specific audit record? No problem. Auditproo has a centralized place for all your documentation, making everything easy to find and review.
  • Automated Workflows: Tired of repetitive tasks? Auditproo automates things like scheduling reviews and updating policies, which means fewer manual tasks and fewer mistakes.
  • Risk Management: With tools for spotting and managing risks, Auditproo helps you stay proactive. It’s all about catching issues before they become problems.
  • Enhanced Collaboration: Communication is critical, and Auditproo makes it easy for audit teams, reviewers, and firm leadership to stay connected and aligned.
  • Continuous Improvement: Built-in feedback systems and performance assessments help you keep getting better, ensuring you’re always at the top of your game.


ISA 220, ISQM1, and ISQM2 are critical for ensuring comprehensive audit quality. Auditors and firms should integrate audit software to streamline compliance and enhance efficiency. Embracing these tools is vital for navigating the dynamic landscape of audit quality assurance and maintaining regulatory standards. Using Auditproo software, audit firms can navigate the complex world of compliance with ease. It streamlines the whole process, helping you maintain high standards without all the hassle. Sign up to auditproo today and enjoy improved audit quality assurance.

Published On: June 2nd, 2024 / Categories: Audit standards

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